WAVE - the wave became the motto of my creation. Eternal waving of the sea - are the waves the sea, o is the sea the waves, what is the difference between them?
WATER - human being's relation with the water, reflection of our world in the water. Visual trace of time - does the water reflect in time?
SILENCE - its need is realized in the sculpture. Striving for endless silence, shaped silence, silent silence.Simplified form, greater attention to the line of a sculpture piece when only reflexes and shadows remain ofthe form, and the line becomes more prevailing in the plastic of an idea.
REFLECTION - looking at the stream of flowing river, sea waves and we, most probably, look at our origin, the outsetof our beginning. We see ourselves in the water and that is a reflection. Having combined the polished metal with stone, the sculptor reaches the desired reflection of reality. Some-times it is only metal; sometimes it is stone, but most often it is a composition of two or three materials.